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The annually appointed Buckland Professors and their lecture subjects from 1930 to the present time, with information on published material.

1930-1939 1947-1959 1960-1979

1980-1999 2000-2009 2010-present time


1930 Frank Buckland’s Life and Work W.Garstang
1931 Salmon Hatching and Salmon Migrations W.L.Calderwood
1932 The Natural History of the Herring in Scottish Waters H Wood
1933 The Natural History of the Herring in the Southern North Sea W.C.Hodgson
1934 The Hake and the Hake Fishery C.F Hickling
1935 Oyster Biology and Oyster Culture J.H.Orton
1936 The Nation’s Fish Supply E.Ford
1937 Fish Passes T.E.Pryce Tarrant
1938 Hydrography in Relation to Fisheries J.B.Tait
1939 Rational Fishing of the Cod in the North Sea M.Graham


1947 The Stock of Salmon, its Migrations, Preservation and Improvement  W.J.Menzies 
1948 Sea Fisheries G.T.Atkinson
1949 The Plaice R.S.Wimpenny
1950 River Pollution H.D.Turing
1951 Fishery Hydrography J.R.Lumby
1952 River Purification F.T.K.Pentalow
1953 Irish Salmon and Salmon Fisheries A.E.J.Went
1954 Inshore Fisheries H.A.Cole
1956 The Haddock B.B.Parrish
1957 Plankton (Published as the Fertile Sea) A.P.Orr
1958 Lemon Sole A.R.Bennett
1959 Fish Capture R.Balls


1960 Historical Background of International Organisations for Regulating Fisheries, their achievements so far, and prospects for the future  R.J.H.Beverton 
1961 The Stocks of Whales N.A.Mackintosh
1963 British Freshwater Fishes M.E.Varley
1964 Developments in the Handling and Processing of Fish G.H.O.Burgess
1965 The Lobster - its biology and fishery H.J.Thomas & A.C.Simpson
1966 Sonar in Fisheries - a forward look D.G Tucker
1967 The Artificial Cultivation of Shellfish P.R.Walne
1969 Ocean Currents and their Influence on Fisheries A.J.Lee
1970 Fish, Nets and Men - An Underwater Approach to Fisheries Research C.C.Hemmings
1971 Behaviour and the Fisheries F.R Harden Jones
1974 Exploitation of the Salmon Stocks K.A.Pyefinch
1977 The Edible Crab and its Fishery E.Edwards
1979 Maximum Use of British Aquatic Food Resources J.J.Connell & R.Hardy


1980 Scallop and Queen Fisheries in the British Isles  J.Mason
1981 Marine Pollution and its Effect on Fisheries A.Preston & P.C.Wood
1982 Engineering, Economics and Fisheries Management G.Eddie
1983 A Story of the Herring G.Buchan
1984 Mackerel – its biology, assessment and the management of a fishery S.J.Lockwood
1985 Aquaculture R.J.Roberts
1987 The Norway Lobster C.Chapman
1988 North Sea Cod C.T.Macer
1989 Atlantic Salmon W.M.Shearer
1990 Pollution and Freshwater fisheries R.Lloyd
1991 The Common Fisheries Policy: Past, Present and Future M.J.Holden
1992 Industrial Fisheries, Fish Stocks and Seabirds R.Bailey
1993 Marine Protected Areas and Fisheries S.Gubbay
1994 Deep-Sea Fisheries: a new resource? J.D.M.Gordon
1995 Bivalve Cultivation in the UK: structuring influences B.E.Spencer
1996 Protecting the seas: using science for a better environment J.S.Gray
1997 Global Change in the Coastal Zone - implications for fisheries P.Holligan
1998 The Deep Ocean: Use and Misuse M.Angel
1999 The European Eel C.Moriarty


2000 Integrated fisheries management – a challenge for the Common Fisheries Policy D.Symes
2001 Plankton and Fisheries C.P.Reid
2002 Fish Conservation and the design of fishing gear R Ferro
2003 Fishing and Fish Farming - are they conflicting or complementary industries? J Goodlad
2004 Science and the management of the United Kingdom’s Crab Fisheries J Addison
2005 The conservation of Salmon habitat J.Armstrong
2006 Regional Advisory Councils and the Future of Fisheries Policy B Deas
2007 Climate change and Scottish Fisheries W Turrell
2008 Aquaculture, the Blue Revolution? M.Beveridge
2009 Cod in the North Sea D Righton

2010-present time

2010 Crustacean transport R Uglow
2011 Variation amongst brown trout and sea trout (Salmo trutta L.) A Walker
2012 Future Approaches to Fisheries Science I. Boyd
2013 Why Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY)? S. Holt
2014 Managing migratory fish by international treaty: the strengths and weaknesses M.Windsor
2015 Has EU fisheries management achieved stock recovery? Colin Bannister
2016 How smart are fish and why does this matter to fishers? Felicity Huntingford
2017 Stewards of the Sea: Returning Power to Fishers Paul Hart
2018 The History of Salmon Management in the British Isles Ronald Campbell
2019 Atlantic Bluefin Tuna: Superfish of the Oceans Lucy Hawkes
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