The Scottish Fisheries Museum has been successful in securing grant funding of £166,857 from the Coastal Communities Fund (administered by The Big Lottery) towards a £194,000 project for boat-building and conservation work.
Coastal Communities Fund
The two-year project started in April 2016 to enable the Museum to carry out conservation work on its collection and to start a boat building course. The course is designed to offer both hands-on experience and theoretical knowledge to enhance expertise in working on maritime heritage.
The main aims of the project are:
to document and preserve the traditional boat-building skills of the local fishing industry which are in serious danger of being lost to allow young people to develop valuable skills which will enable them to seek gainful employment to bring history to life through direct involvement to give participants and viewers alike an opportunity for the museum’s audience to connect directly with the past while giving the past a contemporary context by bringing valuable skills and knowledge back to life. For more information on the Coastal Communities Fund click here.
The work undertaken on White Wing as part of the project features in this film: