Led by Dr John Frew, retired Senior Lecturer in architectural history at St Andrew’s University.
This is a long term project, the first phase of which will target a comparatively small number of buildings in Anstruther Wester, Anstruther Easter and Cellardyke, all of which will be investigated in detail. The end result is intended to complement existing overview surveys, aiming to uncover the at times complex building histories – in some instances going back as far as five centuries – that are often disguised by street frontages of comparatively recent date. It is envisaged that the project will at first focus on a house in Shore Street, Anstruther Easter and further properties targeted for investigation have been identified. Further suggestions in this respect will nevertheless be welcomed, in particular from those interested in tracing the evolution of their own properties who might have already uncovered material – whether photographs, correspondence or title deeds – of assistance to further research.