Our yearly membership entitles you to:
Adult £15.00
Senior (over 60) £10.00
Junior (under 16) £3.00
Family (partners & children under 16) £25.00
To join the Museum please download and print the Membership Renewal form 22 23 and submit with your payment to the Scottish Fisheries Museum.
At no extra cost to you by gift aiding your membership fee we can claim an extra 25p for every £ you give. You must be a UK taxpayer and have or will pay an amount of UK income tax for the current tax year at least equal to the amount that charities you give to will reclaim.
Please note that if you wish to join any of the Museum Clubs you must also be a Museum member. Use the links below to find out more and to contact the appropriate club for further information before joining.
For further information on joining the Museum or its associated clubs please contact the museum or telephone: 01333 310628