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Home > Collections > Reserve Collections

The Scottish Fisheries Museum collection consists of over 66,000 items covering the Scottish Fishing Industry from around Scotland with a particular focus on the East coast, and comprises archives, photographs and objects.

poster for Gillies of Largo, net manufacturer

Poster for Gillies of Largo, net manufacturer

The core of the collection comprises 19th and 20th century objects although the period of time to which the collection relates is c.500AD to the present day.

Not all of the museum’s collections are on display. Our reserve collections are held in storage and are used to create temporary exhibitions, to lend to other museums and institutions, and for research.

If you would like to enquire about our reserve collections, please contact the Curatorial Department to discuss your area of interest and arrange an appointment.

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The Scottish Fisheries Museum Trust Ltd | Charity Number: SC 006185 | VAT Reg Number: 270 2790 64
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